Oh, The Places We Will Go

Timbumburi Public School, Tamworth, NSW, Australia


We have been exploring Minecraft this week in a variety of ways. We were able to use our iPads to design a hockey field using our knowledge of area and perimeter. Following this we were able to demonstrate our understanding of the program to design a set for the three little pigs complete with brick, straw and stick houses, pigs and wolves.

The use of technology on our iPads is just one way we are able to create innovative learning experiences at Timbumburi.



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Blanchy’s Genius Hour

Blanchy has just completed another Genius Hour Project. This time he has created an informative film about the process of sowing crops. There’s no doubt Blanchy’s rural background helped him to complete this project, but he has also done some excellent research. Well done, Blanchy!

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Hockey Heroics

On Wednesday our boys and girls hockey teams both played in the next round of the PSSA Hockey Knockout.

Our boys came up against Moree Public School and put together a strong performance to hold their opposition scoreless in an 14 – 0 victory. The boys ball control and passing skills are continuing to improve and their next match should be sometime in the next few weeks. Well done, Boys.

Our girls were involved in a far closer encounter with both sides remaining scoreless until the 47th minute when Zali Humble scored our lone goal. Oxley Vale then counter attacked, scoring the equlaiser with just 2 minutes to play. The match went to extra time and after two period of extra time the scores were still locked at 1-1 and both sides were restricted to just five players. It was then in the 65th minute that Oxley Vale broke the deadlock and won what was an amazing contest.

Special thanks must go to Matt Wilson for coaching the side, Kitty Humble for helping to manage the side and to everyone who was there to support the girls. I was extremely proud of their effort during the game and even more proud of the way they handled such a tough defeat.




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